Thursday 9 May 2013

Do NOT use Windows 8 if you have an I.Q lower than a peanut.

Leaked Windows Blue Start Screen.
Windows 8 is Microsoft's latest operating system and since it's release late last year people have just flipped out over how "difficult" it is to use.

This is something I have found very difficult to understand. Windows 8 is a lot easier to use than news sites like The Financial Times lead you to believe. Bare in mind Microsoft are uniting all their devices by making sure they all have one similar feature: The main interface.

Anyone who owns a Microsoft device whether it be an Xbox 360 or a Nokia Lumia running Windows Mobile you will know that the interface shares similar features; a flat tiled interface with single coloured bold tiles; live tiles are the ones with animated images and data which changes, on the Xbox it would be your friend counter and on the phone it would be the messages counter; the same font is used to title each page, etc. This is known publicly as the Metro UI and I believe to be absolutely amazing! It's clean, functional and (rumoured: Apple's inspiration for the new iOS 7 interface.)

Now for the titling of this blog, the reason I am slightly put off by Microsoft's pending operating system release (Windows Blue). 
Firstly, Blue is my favourite colour so by that logic it should be awesome in my eyes but sadly it appears the reason for this update is not because of anything new or exciting and yet to ease the swarm of morons (yes my words) morons! Who are constantly filling comment boxes and any empty space they can find on the internet saying they find 'Windows 8 hard to use.' *Enter dumb founded face here!*

Please someone explain to me how Windows 8 is in anyway "difficult" to use.
One of the complaints I've read is people cannot work out how to turn it off. Allow me to list 4 ways to shut down Windows 8 in descending order of ease.
  1. At anytime move your mouse curser to the lower right of the screen and push up slightly to reveal a side menu. Click the cog icon and then Power - Shut Down.
  2. Press WINKEY + L to lock your computer press ESC to reveal the next page and there is an option to turn off Windows 8 on the lower right.
  3. When on the Desktop click ALT+F4 for a Shut Down menu offering you the choices.
  4. Single press the off button on your device itself.
    Yes, by default when you press that button once your computer will run the shut down sequence naturally, I understand people distrusting this method because of course back in 1998 doing that would hard shut down your computer and present you with a scary message about what you just did! It's 2013 now stop fearing your computer!
See how easy that was?
Another complaint that I'm reading is people can't find the Start Button. Are you kidding me? Do they get to the desktop and regret it because they can't get back on to the start screen! Seriously through-out Windows history as far as I'm aware bare in mind I was born in 1993 you can always access the start menu by single clicking the Windows Key on the keyboard. How have people suddenly lost the ability to do this?
2 more ways to get to the start menu is by following step 1 of the shut down method but instead of click the cog you click the Windows logo instead, and the most obvious one in my honest opinion is that when you move your mouse to the lower left corner of your screen (that's right where the start button once was) guess what happens? Did you try it? OH LORD STEVE BALLMER PRAISE US! That's right people a Start Button just appeared... Excuse me I need to drink some holy hell water.

Finally the boot to Start Screen that people for some reason aren't too happy with. If you haven't yet you will learn that the Start Screen is your friend it is something I love to use more than needed. I have such a clean desktop; no icons cluttering the space, nothing in the task bar except active programs it's beautiful! And let's be real when you load up your computer the first thing you do is hit Start and click Chrome. I forgot who I was writing this for. You hit start and click Internet Explorer so the fact you are already there when you power up your PC and people do not like this is baffling.
In my eyes the Start Screen is my new desktop. I have everything I want there: Widgets for E-Mail, Weather, News, Calendar etc; All of my apps from the Windows Store such as Netflix and TuneIn are there and not only that I have all my Desktop programs as well pinned to this screen neatly organised in labelled categories: General, Editing, Games and it's just fun! Everytime I hit the Windows Key and it flips up I love it and I'm saddened that people have yet to experience the beauty of it.

A lot of people are yelping that Windows 8 is useless unless you have a touch screen device. You could not be more wrong. Everything touch you can do with just as much ease as with the mouse if not more as you have more precision. Apple said something great in an article of theirs about Flash saying that the era of point and click is long over and I couldn't agree more. We are controlling our devices more with gestures and the mouse even though so old is your only way to experience the gesture controlling in Windows 8 without spending £300 on a touch monitor.
I'm not a fan of touch screen monitors & laptops but I am a huge fan of Windows 8 and I'm disappointed that the Windows Blue release exists because of morons who have no idea how to use their mouse to interactive with what they are looking at.

Windows 8 is fantastic, looks amazing and is very easy to use. End of Story.